For Cerritos Soccer Academy, the health of our Athletes is a priority. This brief provides insight into our safety guidelines and social distance strategies to ensure a safe environment for all of our team members.
Cerritos Soccer Academy has adjusted our games/practice/camp protocols to remain consistent with public health policies. The most recent updates include the following:
• All participants (coaches, players, and referees) and spectators are no longer required to wear facemasks, although individuals are entitled to make their personal decisions and all such decisions should be respected
• We do not have spectator limitations in any fields. However, social distancing requirements remain in effect
There are two general categories to address, including individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19 and individuals who may be in Close Contact Exposure (CCE) with another individual who has tested positive for COVID-19.

Here is CSA guidance for each category:
For Individuals Who Have Tested Positive or Have Symptoms of Illness Consistent with Covid-19
* Isolation … individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19 or who have symptoms of illness consistent with COVID-19 must be isolated for 5 days.
* If on Day 5, the individual has no or is improving symptoms and has been fever-free for 24 hours without using fever-reducing medication, the individual may return to in-person MSI activities on Day 6.
* Day 1 for positive individuals is the day after the onset of symptoms or the day after the positive test date if the individual is asymptomatic.
* Parents of a player who tests positive for COVID-19 or has symptoms of illness consistent with COVID-19 must notify their coach, and the coach must inform the parents of all players on the team. Each parent should then consider whether or not their child would be considered to have had a Close Contact Exposure.
For Individuals Who Have Been a Close Contact Exposure (but who do not have any symptoms of illness)
Close Contact Exposure individuals may continue to participate in CSA outdoor activities, regardless of vaccination status, so long as they are asymptomatic. A test at 3-5 days after exposure is recommended. Individuals participating in any CSA indoor activities must wear a mask during those activities for 10 days following close contact exposure. As a guideline, CSA does not consider simple attendance and participation in practices or games to constitute “close contact exposure.” Each case needs to consider whether they have been within 6 feet of the infected individual for a combined period of 15 minutes or longer during 24 hours.
Examples that can contribute to that might include carpooling, failing to adhere to social distancing guidelines while sitting on a sideline, etc.
If you have any questions regarding interpretation, please contact CSA Operations Manager Brenda Cerritos ( If quarantine/isolation reaches a level where the team’s ability to field a team for a league game becomes impossible, please contact the CSA office (240.316.2135) immediately.